Thursday, June 17, 2010

HIV couple separated by the spectators

The Big Brother house sinks into the sea of tears: the first being sacked in the tenth season was at on Monday evening. And it was in itself: 66.1 percent of the viewers have decided: Harald must go!
As a result, tears, screams and tantrums. In order for the HIV-infected couple Harald and Carlos is disconnected. And: The war between the iris and Harald is from the last few weeks over. Harald is out - and his husband, Carlos saw an outburst of violent nature, Iris cursed with vicious words that I will not repeat here.
Intimfeindin Iris kept a low profile. The self proclaimed Muddi remained at a safe distance on the sofa, adopted, not by Harald. The took off in tears and reviled in the studio on Muddi: "I find the shit easy!"
What happened in the show yet?
The residents had to once again compete for rewards. Cora was allowed to begin as the first and climb a rope forty feet high and collect keys. Five keys they could get - representing five rewards. Cora managed two keys, came back with twelve packs of cigarettes and cosmetics.
Better stood there on Uwe. The got the same problem, had to climb up even 15 meters. Ex-Mister-Hamburg earned three awards, selected butts, protein shakes and football games in the match room.
Later Harald had the balls WhiteBox and snap in an aquarium. He failed all along the line, had to choose three people who may not ever smoke a day (and chose Jessica, Iris and Sabrina). And Sabrina had to snap. It failed at least as glorious as Harals, had to choose three girls, who may spend a day any beauty product. The victims: Iris, Eva and Kristina.
Then the emotional pull of Harald and the rage of Carlos - even flew as the furnishings. Exciting is now, how he handles the next time with Iris. And if he stays in the house at all. After all, Harold and he for years and separated for a day.
In this sense, ciao, Harald! Your online Oli